After a car accident, it may be extremely overwhelming and frightening. After taking a breath, assess the situation. If you do not need immediate emergency medical attention, seek ProCare Health & Rehab Centers’ services for soft tissue injuries.

An intro to injuries:

soft tissue injuries Although many patients do not know what soft tissue injuries are called, most have experienced one in their life. Patients may experience soft tissue damage exercising, surfing, or surviving a car accident. It may sound much worse than it is, so read further to refresh your memory.

Soft tissue damage may result in a variety of activities. Soft tissue injuries are traumas posed to any skin, ligament, tendon, or muscle in the body. These types of injuries are different than hard tissue or internal organ injuries.

There are two ways a patient may have acquired a soft tissue injury. Acute trauma or overuse may cause a soft tissue injury. An acute trauma would be an external force applied to the body. Sports or industrial settings may cause an overuse injury.

Acute trauma is always sudden as opposed to overuse injuries being caused by repetitive use. However, overuse injuries are not a result of a sudden direct force at all. Overuse injuries are considered a form of repetitive trauma rather than illness.

Acute trauma versus overuse injuries:

soft tissue injuries Soft tissue injuries are those that do not affect hard tissue, such as bones. Lacerations, avulsions, abrasions, and contusions are the most common soft tissue injuries from acute trauma. Lacerations, avulsions, and abrasions are soft tissue injuries in which the tissue has been separated and leads to a loss of blood and open wounds that may become infected.

The bleeding may be severe enough to lead to a shock. To heal properly without scarring, lacerations and avulsions often require sutures. Sutures are often referred to as stitches.

On the other hand, contusions do not have open wounds. If there is bleeding, it is trapped between tissues. This trapped bleeding can cause swelling and place pressure on other blood vessels. In turn, this reduces the blood flow to tissues surrounding the injury.

A sprain is a form of acute traumatic injury. They are caused by leverage being applied rather than a striking blow to the tissue. Sprains are trauma, but they are different than contusions or lacerations.

Do not get strains and sprains mixed up now. Strains and tendinitis are typical overuse injuries. For overuse injuries, there are not traumatic incidents to onset the injuries. When a patient stresses muscles or connective tissues through their limits until irritation or injure occurs, they experience overuse injuries.

These overuse injuries reduce functionality and mobility of the area. Treatments with our physicians promote healing in order for the body tissue to be used again with less pain or at its full capacity. We strive to heal and promote all sorts of healing, but we especially aim to heal car accident victims.

ProCare treating many varieties of injuries:

soft tissue injuries Car accident injuries fall under the acute trauma category. They are sudden and not brought on by repeated use. Of course, if you have an office job, you may feel common neck pain.

But if you experience a car accident, these neck pains are usually much worse. The sudden force of braking or the blunt force of getting hit causes whiplash. Although this is common, not all whiplash is treated correctly.

ProCare Health & Rehab Centers recommend tests to be run promptly as well as follow ups. Chiropractic methods are often necessary to promote optimal healing. Next time, we desire to share more information for our readers.

We hope this knowledge can support you or anyone you know that may have experienced a car accident injury. Whether the car accident was recent or years ago, make an appointment to see our physicians for ideal healing and mobility.

Physically improving your functionality will most likely improve your mindset. So call us today! We hope to see you soon in our ProCare Health & Rehab Centers Oviedo, Florida location. Stop by next time for more on soft tissue injuries.

Staff Writer