Many wonder why the tailbone hurts. Especially after a fall or auto accident, the spine can be very sore or severely injured. In today’s blog, we wish to share useful insight as to how the tailbone and lower back can be injured and what you can do to lessen the pain or discomfort.

Tailbone pain:

First off, if you have not already read last week’s blog, go ahead and get caught up now. The tailbone is not actually called the tailbone. That is just a nickname everyone calls it because that is where the tail would begin on an animals that have tails.

The tailbone’s real name is the coccyx. This bone is the end of the spine. When a person experiences lower back for pain while sitting, this may be coming from the coccyx.

Sometimes this is due to multiple traumas or gradual wear and tear. For those that work at desks and have regular nine to five jobs, this is a common pain. Prolonged sitting is one of the most common causes of tailbone pain.

Because of the gradual nature of the pain, it creeps up on you slowly. There are a few products one may try before heading to the doctor. First, try out a sitting pillow.

There are quite a few models out there. Take a quick trip over to any large store or Amazon for even easier convenience. An easy search with the words “sitting pillow” should do the job.

We found an ergonomic hip cushion, orthopedic coccyx seat cushion, and the Purple Everywhere seat cushions within the first ten seconds of weeding out searched results. All of the above may be good ones to try before getting too overwhelmed with the more serious worries of injury. If you have a sedentary job, it is likely the prolonged sitting is to blame, but to be sure, make a trip to ProCare Health & Rehab Centers to be examined.

Lower back pain:

Now, this is a tricky one. Lower back pain should never be diagnosed by your own theories. No offense. Leave this to the medical professionals at our Oviedo office.

Lower back pain can be caused by a multitude of things. First, consider if you have tripped, fallen, or suffered from an auto accident. Traumas can cause pain immediately or far after the time of trauma.

Unfortunately, the body is very complex, so you may feel fine right after an auto accident or a fall. However, the pain may slowly find you. You may become aware of the lower pain back weeks after an incident.

Because the spinal cord, nerves, and vertebrae area are all in the lower back area, there is no telling where the pain is stemming from. Doctors usually run a number of tests to rule out the most serious causes.

Once they have ruled out any bone damage, they will move onto soft tissue damage.  Hopefully, there is a cause in plain sight, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, the tests do not magically reveal the cause.

With the help of a neurologist, physical therapist, and chiropractor, you should get to the bottom of it and begin healing the injures. Consider easing the pain with a lower back lumbar pillow at work.

Even if you have not suffered from an auto accident, a sedentary job can most definitely be the culprit for lower back pain as well. There does not have to be trauma to cause lower back pain. Posture can be the first thing you can change to relieve pain.

You may not realize that during the day, you are hunching over for hours on hours reading on your computer screen. Additionally, lookin down at your phone held towards your belly button will cause neck and lower back pain. There are so many small movements that truly amount to a great deal of pain.

Slow and steady against the pain-fighting race:

With these seemingly insignificant adjustments to your work day, you may experience exceptional relief to back pain. Also, chiropractic and physical therapy may almost diminish lower back pain with the correct regimen. We hope to see you in soon!

Give the gift of health this holiday season. Recommend ProCare Health & Rehab Centers for pain relief! Lastly, be sure to be careful walking in busy parking lots and driving on the roads this month. Holiday shopping can be a dangerous setting.

Staff Writer