Although our practice mainly focuses on reaching out to those in the community suffering from car accident injuries, we successfully treat other injures as well. Sports injuries are very common in Central Florida. There are many active athletes of all ages. Today, this article will be about preventing exercise injuries.

Areas of Practice:

ProCare Health & Rehab Centers treat patients of many ailments. For one, we are known for treating injuries caused in car accidents. However, many of the same techniques are used across the board for a whole array of injuries. As we have always repeated, all injuries look different and must have a custom treatment plan.

One injury will be treated differently than another patient with a similar diagnosis. Each diagnosed injury was caused differently, hurts differently, and heals differently. For this reason, ProCare Health & Rehab Centers will always breaks down the process in a detailed manor. Existing and future patients will easily understand what is to come.

Surviving a car accident is traumatic in itself. Adding an injury into the mix is an increased ingredient of stress. Our daily lives have all changed recently no matter your career, age, or gender. Every American has experienced a change in everyday life due to COVID-19 whether you have tested positive or not.

Getting back to normal:

A long list of major schools, universities, and stores have all closed for at least some period of time. The list goes on too. Even some medical offices closed until detailed instructions were given to patients for future procedure and state restrictions were lifted. Americans are not the only ones experiencing this either.

The entire world is going through this. Although, it may look very different when comparing countries- or states even. All we know is, car accidents, falls, and sports injuries still happen. Many Americans are catching up on getting active.

While working from home, a large part of the day is not spent in the car! This bonus time many professionals are experiencing is sparking a jump start to getting healthier. Why not discuss a very common injury to avoid?

Preventing exercise injuries :

Injuries can jump into your life and cause an unwanted, added stress. It’s important to actively prevent injuries. The issue is, not everyone that exercises knows how to prevent injuries.

Keep in touch with your trainers and be resourceful. There are plenty of certified personal trainers that share workout videos with proper form online. If you are interested in learning which areas you could work on at home safely, contact our office.

For those with a history of an injury, it is not as simple as starting a ten minute Youtube workout video. The moves will most likely need to be tweaked to not aggravate healing injuries. Additionally, our offices are open for patients and new patients to discuss physical therapy.

ACL injuries are not black and white. Please be careful to consult your team of doctor and physical therapist before jumping into a new activity that was not approved yet. Join us next week as we share what an ACL injury is and the ways to exercise at home after an ACL injury.

Staff Writer