Chiropractors use many methods that may sound intimidating. Once you have visited our chiropractor, you will feel more at ease. Speak to our chiropractor and physical therapist about healing your car accident injuries.

Hospital trip versus a trip to an Oviedo physical therapy, chiropractic office:

When should you go to the ER? The following are reasons to seek emergency medical attention:

  • chest pain
  • open wound fractures
  • bleeding that cannot be stopped
  • abdominal pain
  • coughing or vomiting blood
  • blood in urine
  • sudden ability to speak, move, see, or walk

In addition to healing car accident injuries, our team is knowledgable in the medicine of healing a plethora of injuries. We have a strong desire to especially treat those with car accident injuries. We are passionate about making the most out of a patient’s insurance.

There is only so much you will receive from your insurance once involved in a car accident. Because of this, having a team that can give you exceptional advice is of great importance. Without this, one trip to the emergency room can eat up your entire insurance sum.

With informed advice, you may pay for physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and still get the same imaging and testing done. The only difference is, eight hours in the emergency room may cost three times the price as getting testing and imaging done out-patient. Consider the difference and contact ProCare Health & Rehab Centers if you care spare the trip to the emergency room.

What to know:

Whether you are being seen by our physicians after an unnecessary trip to the emergency room or this is your first step towards medical care post auto accident, you have come to the right place. Speaking with a physical therapist about the necessary actions needed to heal your injuries in an appropriate amount of time is a great way to begin the healing journey. Not all doctors can heal car accident injuries for longevity with original motion and strength in mind.

Some emergency doctors may send you home with a “you are lucky you are okay” message and recommendation of seeking physical therapy anyways. Skip that step, and be seen by a physical therapist if you feel okay enough to hold off going to an emergency room. Of course, if you have a concerning amount of blood oozing from a gash, go get stitched up pronto.

Getting familiar with chiropractic terms:

As for those car accident victims that can walk, may have a slight back or headache, call an Oviedo physical therapist office such as ProCare Health & Rehab Centers. Here, you will find the proper order of steps to take. Doctors may feel more than one treatment is necessary to properly heal your injuries.

When meeting with a chiropractor concerning your car accident injuries, you may hear many terms you are unfamiliar with. For plenty of people, unfamiliar terms may seem frightening. We though it may be a good idea to share some of those terms today, so you are most comfortable beginning your healing journey.

Stop by next week while we begin sharing these terms with you! Thanks for coming this week, and we hope you are well aware of when you should go to the ER versus calling an Oviedo physical therapist office such as ours. See you next time, and Have a Happy Halloween!

Staff Writer