People seek out physical therapy for a multitude of reasons. Although there are many types of physical therapy specialities, today we will just discuss an overview of physical therapy. Read on for an insight of what ProCare Health & Rehab Centers offers.


Physical therapy is a healthcare specialty. This includes the evaluation, assessment, and treatment of individuals that exemplify physical limitations. For physical therapy, patients are treated by physical therapists, often referred to as Pts.

Physical therapists must be licensed in the state they work in. Physical therapists, PTs, must have a master’s degree or a clinical doctorate from an accredited institution. They must all pass a licensing program to practice. Physical therapists are trained to asses patient’s ailments and condition. They then work to help patients regain maximum functional mobility independence.

Physical therapists use a variety modalities and techniques for their treatments. All of which are aimed to help patients feel and move better. It is all extremely and carefully personalized. Choosing physical therapy has been proven to help patients recover quickly and safely. Although it may cost you a bit of money, it can without a doubt save you money in the long run due to decreased overall healthcare costs.

Do you need physical therapy?:

stretching If you have an injury or illness that leaves you in pain, with a physical impairment, or limited movement  (or loss of function) a physical therapist can help you by beginning a treatment plan with you. The good news is, physical therapists can treat a patients at just about any age.

As we discusses in previous blogs, certain physical therapists treat a specific population or a group of the same life stage such as infants, children, or elderly. Regardless of your age, you are qualified to at the least get a physical therapy evaluation.

If you have experienced a stroke, fracture, spinal cord injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, amputations, or arthritis, you should consider seeking out physical therapy. Keep in mind that there are plenty more problems besides the listed above which PTs may also treat. Worst case scenario, you meet new, nice people that can refer you elsewhere to seek the proper medical attention.

Physical therapy is unlike many other medical treatments. There are not just pills thrown around in attempt to “cure” or hinder pain. It is special because PTs work closely and routinely with patients getting to see the worst starting points all the way to experiencing the gradual improvements in mobility.

You will discover improving your physical state can rapidly improve your mental state. Feeling uncomfortable for a while leaves patients feeling loss of hope, but improvements in physical impairments give patients hope for a brighter, less painful future.

Of course, most people know of physical therapy improving and healing injuries. Many people do not know that physical therapists can help prevent future injuries. Your PT can analyze your movements to anticipate areas of future possible injuries. For example, a physical therapist may work with a sports team’s athletes to prevent injuries.

Where can you get physical therapy:

Your physical therapists may treat you in a hospital, a nursing home, a cardiac rehab center, their offices, an outpatient clinic, or at a sports team practice or game. For children, a physical therapist may be required by state law to work with a child in a familiar setting such as their school or even their home. For anyone that has an impairment or illness that prevents them from leaving the house, a PT may come to you house or residence as well.

Next week we will discuss what physical therapists do during an evaluation. Be sure to stop by for next week’s informative blog to see how physical therapy always begins.

frenchieThe snow and ice in many states can be dangerous. As the cold spreads throughout the states, even Florida, make sure to consult a physical therapist on proper preventative measures for an injury and pain-free Holiday season. Elderly may experience further injury and aches from past injuries during the colder weather. Stress may also overwhelm elderly and children causing a state of mind susceptible to injuries.

Thanks for coming by! Make an appointment today at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers.

Staff Writer