Exercises for recoveryThanks for stopping by.  Today we will be talking all about the benefits of exercise for injury caused by an automobile accident.  After the accident, a victim must deal with insurance, vehicle repair or replacement, and other financial issues.

But the highest priority is, of course, your health. Getting back to normal may take some time, and the frustration of being out of work and not being able to do things as you did before weighs heavily upon the mind of an accident victim.

How physical fitness affects the accident victim:

The biggest goal for all accident victims, is to return to full activity as soon as possible. Those who are physically fit before the accident definitely lessen the severity of injury. Individuals who are healthy and follow good physical fitness regimens in their daily lives, commonly gain full activity quicker than patients who are not physically fit.

Step one:  Follow the law

We urge all accident victims to follow the Florida law.  This requires for you to see a physician within fourteen (14) days following the date of the accident.  If this fourteen day rule is not followed, you will forfeit your personal injury coverage.  If you feel very intense pain or discomfort directly following the accident, go to the ER immediately.

For soft tissue damage or neck pain, call ProCare to visit a physician for injuries that do not require immediate emergency medical attention. These records will be necessary should you have an injury claim. Depending upon the injury and prognosis for the outcome, your physician will refer you to a rehab center such as Orlando’s ProCare Health Rehab Center.

Accident victim receives exercise instructionStep two:  We work with patients toward a full recovery.

At Orlando ProCare Rehab Centers in the Central Florida area, this is our specialty.  We treat injuries from auto accidents, slip and fall, and also treat soft tissue injuries.  We have on our staff chiropractic physicians, a neurologist, and therapists trained to diagnose, and implement a plan for recovery.  This rehabilitation plan is customized to each injury.  During the post care, we can suggest exercises for getting better.  Feel free to contact our office to discuss the ways to get back to your full potential.

Stretching exercises for improving flexibility:

Our chiropractors may suggest active, isolated stretching exercises to improve joint range of motion.  When done safely and correctly in a controlled setting, stretching exercising can be very beneficial, and may enable your muscles to work more effectively.  Please do not try this on your own.  Contact us to prepare a safe stretching routine within our safe environment. You could hurt yourself if you stretch cold muscles, or if you do not stretch correctly.  However, when these stretching exercises are done right, they will:

  • Increase joint range of motion
  • Improve your athletic performance
  • Decrease the risk for another injury
  • Enable your muscles to work more efficiently
  • Can increase blood flow to muscles

Stretching exercises for injuryPrep before exercising:

Caution: You can hurt yourself if you start by stretching cold muscles.  Warm up first by taking a brisk walk, jogging or riding a bike on low intensity for a few minutes.  You can also sit on the floor and do an easy warm up routine suggested by your physician.  Our physical fitness routines combine side to side movement for the best result.

In other words, we strive for symmetry as you perform your exercises. Everyone is different and they have different degrees of flexibility.  We suggest moving slowly at first and following a plan specifically designed for your injury.  With the right exercise plan, you will not feel pain, but will be building your flexibility slowly as you work toward total healing.

Chronic injuries:

Another reason we caution you to have a specific exercise plan developed is because your injury could be a chronic injury.  This type of injury requires the right type of therapy to avoid further harm.  Stretching doesn’t mean you will get injured or feel pain.  That is if you take the right steps to find the right rehabilitation program directing the work to your unique situation. Speak to our professionals about the most appropriate exercises which could work for you.  Enter into an exercise regimen safely and if you follow the advice we offer, you can enjoy full recovery.

Stay connected for all things health related.  Hurry back for more next time and call our office for any questions or concerns following an automobile accident. We look forward to serving you and wish you a healthy and happy recovery ahead.

Staff Writer