K-Laser therapy is ProCare Health & Rehab Center’s successful laser therapy. Through many studies and after hearing from happy patients, the K-Laser is proving to be very beneficial in the healing process. Physicians at ProCare would like to share how the K-Laser works and its benefits.

How K-Laser therapy works:

Throughout a person’s life, injury can occur.  Some of these are normal injuries, from childhood, from sports, vehicle accidents and more.  The human body has an innate ability to heal after an injury. In cases where healing is slower, physicians are using lasers to promote healing.  They are designed to target the body’s optimal light absorbing complexes.

laser therapyIn turn, this manages pain and assists in accelerating the healing process. Multiple wavelengths and various modes of delivery work together to treat pain, decrease inflammation, and increase circulation. There are three K-Lasers on the market that may be used for licensed practitioners to implement into physical therapy.

K-Laser is a great option for car accident victims as they, unfortunately, need to get back to their jobs as soon as possible whether they feel great or not. Laser therapy works with the body’s natural healing process using specific wavelengths red and near-infrared lights. These lights stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal.

A car accident victim may benefit by experiencing improved healing time, loss of pain, decreased swelling and increased circulation of blood flow. Let’s dive deeper to see how it works on a cellular level.

Cellular effects of K-Laser:

K-Laser provides medical professionals a non-pharmaceutical way to treat patients. Doctors use lasers to target the cells which are involved in repairing the body. The goal of K-Laser therapy is to support the body in healing itself.

laser therapyThe body is able to heal itself by using the natural process of converting oxygen into cellular energy. Blood is the conduit which means the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cell. It also takes away waste products from the cell such as lactic acid and carbon dioxide.

Improving circulation is one of the primary mechanisms of laser therapy.  Using laser therapy helps to regulate the blood flow through microscopic pressure and thermal gradients.

When the laser targets water with radiation at 970 nanometers, it is the most efficient way to produce the temperature gradients.  This increases localized blood flow. Once more blood reaches the cells, the hemoglobin that carries the oxygen will either pick up or drop off their oxygen supply.

The hemoglobin reduces or increases their oxygen supply sporadically, and at their own set pace. Simultaneously, these blood cells carry the waste products away from the cells. The laser therapy works wonders in speeding up the process.  This happens when hemoglobin absorbs light, at 905 nanometers. This increases the reduction process and provides more oxygen to the nearby cell. This is then processed into cellular energy.

How the oxygen becomes the energy:

Once the oxygen leaves the blood and enters the cell through the cellular membrane, the oxygen enters the mitochondria. The mitochondria will process the oxygen in a chain of respiratory enzymes. Their end result is ATP, the energy produced.

Understanding how ATP is produced:

Once the oxygen goes through the chain of respiratory enzymes, a transport enzyme called cytochrome oxidase brings the oxygen to ATP synthase. ATP synthase is the enzyme that produces each molecule of ATP. Normally, this is done at the body’s normal pace. The light from the laser causes this process to be sped up.  In turn, more energy is produced for the cell to use. This means the body can recover quickly!

The K-Laser is a great option for healing:

We hope you were able to better understand the natural healing process. K-Laser is a great option for patients of all ages. Schedule an appointment today to see your options. Speak to a physician at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers to see if this is something you would like to try!

Remember to follow through your New Year’s health and fitness resolutions. Sticking with a healthy diet can greatly benefit your physical therapy journey. Especially if you are very overweight or just have a few pounds to lose. Thank you for stopping by, and we hope next week you will join us again for more!

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