In our most recent article, readers learned a few easy ways to strengthen the immune system during this pandemic. With the upcoming holiday season approaching, we are continuing this beneficial series. Carry on to learn more natural ways you can boost the immune system.

How to boost the immune system every day:

Last week, we shared more classic, obvious ways to boost the immune system. Simply put, treating your body right will pay off in the long run, especially during a pandemic. On top of natural holiday stress, this year’s stress levels may be much higher because families will not be physically together.

However, for those that regularly see each other, there may still be a Thanksgiving dinner to look forward to! In preparation for the festivities, whether within your own household or traveling away, be sure to reduce stress.

Cut out the stress and negativity wherever you can. Cortisol is released when we are stressed, and this truly works against our immune system’s efforts. Now is the best time to quit smoking.

With COVID, it is especially dangerous to be a smoker. Quit smoking, save the money, and put that energy towards bettering yourself. Make a quick search to find support in your community.

Drinking alcohol in moderation is not terrible for the immune system, but drinking large amounts absolutely fights the immune system’s power. Limit or eliminate alcohol in your home to make this even easier. This will help you loose weight as well.

Supplements for immunity support:

At the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Chris D’Adamo helped create a prevention strategies guide along with the Institute for Functional Medicine. The guidelines align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so do not fret.

In addition to the routine changes discussed above, Chris D’Adamo recommends using the following substances in moderation to keep the immune system strengthened. Vitamin C can help prevent viral, bacterial, and other sorts of infections by shortening the duration of colds. It acts as a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. This one is a classic.

Vitamin D is a very important immune system booster. Its nutrients can reduce the risk of the cold and flu. It should be taken on a regular basis.

Vitamin A is used more for a short-term basis. It may help support the body’s ability to fight off infections. This is especially true for respiratory infections which is great for this pandemic time.

Zinc can help reduce the number of infections too. It may shorten the duration of the common cold if taken within twenty-four hours of onset. Try it out!

Selenium is a key nutrient for immunity. It is easily obtained through foods like the Brazil nut. Selenium is an antioxidant which strengthens the body’s immune system power against bacteria, viruses, and cancerous cells.

Raw honey is an easy one to incorporate into a daily diet regimen. It may relieve minor pain and inflammation of mucous membranes such as the nose and mouth. It too has antioxidant properties with microbial effects.

It is helpful for coughs and sore throats. Raw honey can be used in plenty of recipes or added to hot tea for a soothing drink. This can be purchased in bulk for a very fair price, and it lasts a while in the pantry.

Ingredients for immunity support:

Garlic is great for our bodies. Fresh garlic, garlic extract, and garlic supplements may reduce the severity of upper viral respiratory infections. It aids with respiratory function as well. It may prevent viral infections such as the cold- incorporate this special ingredient into daily meals.

Probiotics contain good bacteria which support gut health. They influence the function and regulation of the immune system. Probiotics may also decrease the number of respiratory infections.

This is especially true for children. You can get your daily probiotics in foods such as greek yogurt, vitamins, and smoothies. Do your own research on probiotics as there are many options, and in most cases, the more bacteria listed on the label, the better.

Next week, we are sharing some more supplements for immunity support. Check back in for more!

Staff Writer