Figuring out how to begin the healing process after a car accident is daunting. Chiropractors at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers located in Oviedo, FL provide exceptional healing. Read further as to why these healers are surely qualified for any chiropractic attention you may need.

Who to trust:

After surviving a traumatic car accident, trust ProCare chiropractors with your healing process. Whether the accident was quick and seemingly nothing or your car rolled over, seek an experienced chiropractor and physical therapist. Healing after a car accident is not identical to the treatment plan for a teenager injured in a basketball game.

Finding a physician that is truly experienced in the healing team for a car accident victim is crucial. Once you visit our office in Oviedo, you are guaranteed to get our best assistance. Our team working alongside any of your doctors will ensure a safe and successful healing experience.

How qualified are our chiropractors:

healing Chiropractors are unique in the medical field. X-rays, medications, and physical exams are routine in a normal hospital setting. However, in ProCare’s attention, everything you will need with be available to you.

When you find us, you find all of your answers. Our chiropractors are not only qualified but their main focus in 2019 is on car accident injuries. Before working at ProCare, they earned their qualifications to treat patients like you.

Doctors of chiropractic medicine use natural healing methods. Chiropractors use manual manipulations of the spine, neck, and back to treat a variety of maladies in patients. These techniques are used to treat a variety of maladies. More specifically, the treatments are used to treat the musculoskeletal system.

How chiropractors in Oviedo treat patients:

A chiropractor graduates from an accredited chiropractic school. Our chiropractor, Dr. Recksiedler graduated Cum Laude at Life Chiropractic College in Marietta, GA with a doctorate in Chiropractic in 1991. Although chiropractors do not need a MO or MD degree from a medical school, they do need a D.C. degree.

healingCurrently, potential chiropractors do not need a bachelor’s before entering chiropractic school, but many students do complete a bachelor’s program. Student must complete a minimum of ninety semester hours of undergraduate coursework to be accepted into a chiropractic program.

Typically, a chiropractic course is a total of four years. Other programs vary in length. The classroom coursework focuses on sciences such as anatomy, biology, physiology, biochemistry, and pathology. This is similar to other health careers. In addition to classroom coursework, lab and clinical training are vital components of a chiropractor’s education.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are sixteen accredited chiropractic programs nationwide to aspiring chiropractors to choose from. Nationally, licensure is required. The license is obtained by passing a four-part test by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners.

All chiropractors are required to continue their education in order to keep licensure current. This is to make certain that patients receive the best care. ProCare’s Dr. Recksiedler is no exception. He is beyond qualified to heal your car accident injuries through chiropractic techniques.

Working in a team:

healingVery rarely are chiropractors the only medical professional patients see. Chiropractic methods are proven more successful when other areas of heath are treated. For example, our chiropractors recommend seeking out a physical therapist and neurologist. Both of which are at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers.

In addition to seeing a physical therapist or chiropractor regularly, a physiatrist may dramatically help. Their medical attention may increase the likelihood of regaining your original, or improved, mobility and strength.

A physiatrist treats most of the same issues as a physical therapist does. The major difference is, a physiatrist is a licensed medical doctor. You may have not heard of this type of doctor because physiatry is relatively new branch of medicine. Physiatry is also referred to as physical medicine.

If you have suffered from any injuries, especially car accident injuries, contact ProCare Health & Rehab Centers today. Make an appointment for our Oviedo, FL office location. We desire to make your pain a thing of the past. Have a great first day of Spring!

Staff Writer