Chiropractic medicine is an alternative way to relieve pain and heal car accident injuries. The opioid crisis is growing. Because of this, chiropractors offer pain relief that does not involve the use of opioids.

History of chiropractic care:

Daniel David Palmer developed chiropractic medicine. He named it chiropractic because it means “done by hand.” The name has greek origins. Cheir means hand, and praktos means done.

DD Palmer read and researched all sciences. He read about the thousands of years various forms of manipulation were used to treat people. But there was no prior philosophical or rationale to explain the benefits of these practices.

pain relief Palmer is mainly known for the codification of the philosophy. He used his extensive research of anatomy and physiology to study the art and science of chiropractic medicine. He did his first adjustment in September of 1895.

He adjusted a janitor that had become deaf 17 years prior to meeting Palmer. He said he became deaf after something “gave” in his back. Palmer improved the janitor’s hearing after a crude adjustment of a misplaced vertebra in his upper back.

In 1897 he established the Palmer School for Cure, now known as the Palmer College of Chiropractic. The first law licensing chiropractors passed in 1913. By 1931, thirty-nine states gave chiropractors legal recognition.

In comparison to other treatments:

Other medical attention may not be as effective for certain car accident injuries as chiropractic attention. 750 active duty members of the military took part in a clinical study. The results showed that chiropractic care combined with medical care for lower back pain provided them with greater relief and greater reduction in disability than medical care alone.

The most common car accident injury referred to as whiplash can cause excruciating pain. Chiropractic examinations and adjustments can often relieve a great deal of pain. Be sure to visit physicians that are familiar with car accident injuries such as ProCare Health & Rehab Centers.

pain reliefPain management has been a hot topic. More specifically, opioids have caused a terrifying crisis in the Untied States. By definition, opioids are narcotics that act on opioid receptors to produce morphine-like effects. They are prescribed for pain relief.

The CDC and Surgeon General recommend non-opioid pain management. This includes physical therapy and chiropractic treatments.

Physical therapists work on reducing pain and restoring movement and function. Physical therapy and chiropractic approaches are safe and non-invasive. Both practices are evidence based care and have your best interest at heart.

The American Physical Therapy Association meets with federal, local, and private sectors to address the opioid issues in our country. Physical therapy may save many lives by relieving pain and avoiding addiction and overdose. Chiropractic techniques improve quality of life for patients with acute to chronic pain in ProCare Health & Rehab Centers.

Relativity of pain:

Every human being experiences pain at some point. A small paper cut may cause a great deal of pain just as an amputated limp may cause phantom limb pain. Pain is complex and must be attended to responsibly.

Doctors are working towards the treatment of pain without medication. Research shows that pain is a message created by the brain to keep us safe from threats. The cut or scrape does not create pain. Our brains create the pain messages.

pain reliefIn other words, our bodies want to prevent harm done to us. The brain creates a message of pain to keep us out of harms way, teach us not to repeat the silly act, or to make us aware of injuries. Some compare this to a smoke alarm.

A smoke alarm goes off if there is smoke detected in your house. Maybe you are cooking or maybe it is a fire. The alarm is there to alert you.

Over time the body becomes more sensitive to pain. Over 20% of the United States population experiences chronic pain. Our body becomes accustomed to reoccurring pain and expects it. Over time you can become overwhelmed and desperate.

Pain must be attended to, so doctors do their best to find the area of discomfort and treat that area. If you are experiencing pain, seek pain relief other than the use of medications. Discuss your options with your health care provider.

Thank you for reading today’s blog. We hope to inspire you to seek pain relief that does not involve the use of addictive medications. ProCare Health & Rehab Centers would love to relieve your pain and treat your car accident injuries.

Do not suffer when you have help just around the corner. Inquire today for an appointment!

Staff Writer