Our returning readers will have already read our last blog post. If you are new here, check it out, and welcome! This week’s article will include chiropractic terms and their meanings to offer new patients some knowledge before walking in through the doors.

Chiropractic adjustment:

Last article, we shared about subluxation. In review, most of the time chiropractors use the term subluxation, they are referring to the term that expresses a misaligned relationship between adjacent spinal bones. Subluxations are the main issues treated by chiropractors.

This week, we are going to start with the term adjustment. Now, most of us think of adjustment as an insignificant change in position. For example, we make minor adjustments to picture frames hanging slightly crooked on the living room wall.

However, in the chiropractic world, an adjustment can truly impact patient’s daily lives. Most people walking into ProCare Health & Rehab Centers will have already heard the words: chiropractic adjustment.

For those that have not, it is referred to as the hallmark of chiropractic treatment. The chiropractic adjustment is a manual adjustment. This only means the chiropractor uses his or her hands to carry out the chiropractic adjustment.

The chiropractic adjustment is used to realign joint subluxations. Our chiropractors at ProCare apply force to motion segments to bring them back into centered alignment. There are many benefits to getting chiropractic adjustments regularly.

First off, do you know the purpose behind chiropractic adjustments? When the vertebrae are aligned, the nerves can transmit signals unimpeded. Overall, this leaves patients with a positive effect on their general health and well-being.


A manipulation is a general term. It includes but is not limited to an adjustment. Other types of providers may give manipulations. But is best to speak with someone that has given plenty in their practice.

Spinal manipulation also includes things such as exercise, massage, and physical therapy. Our office in Oviedo, Florida also offers physical therapy. Studies have proven spinal manipulation provides mild to moderate lower back pain relief. It competes with some conventional treatments such as taking pain reliving prescriptions.

In turn, spinal manipulation must be divided into different grades of manipulation. Grade one to four mobilizations may be performed by practitioners of several disciplines, depending on their training. For the most part, physical therapists, osteopathic physicians, and chiropractors are licensed to perform grade five mobilizations.

Grade five mobilizations are more forceful and direct than grades one through four of spinal manipulations. Most of the time, massage therapists, personal trainers, and athletic trainers are not licensed to perform spinal manipulations. Keep this in mind while visiting such professionals. Be sure to mention if any of these professionals have done so in the past as this may give more insight to present day condition.

Pain-free holiday season:

Thank you for stopping by. Next week, we are going to discuss the term “motion segment”. Come right back for more!

Make an appointment to be the best version of yourself this holiday season. Be in the moment and pain-free.

Staff Writer