Don’t let an old injury become a new problem!

Can An Old Injury Cause Problems Years Later?

Can an old injury cause problems years later? Have you started experiencing pain at an old injury site? Maybe you’ve been feeling “fine” for years, and all of a sudden, you are having issues that seem to have sprung out of nowhere. Chances are there is an exact cause you could easily put your finger on; you just have to go back in time to find it.


Can an old injury cause problems years later?

Yes, an old injury can definitely cause problems years down the road. When old injuries are not properly cared for initially, your body begins to overcompensate in other areas. Over time, this strains your skeletal and muscular system, leading to issues that arise even ten or more years after the first injury. Arthritis, disc herniations, the potential for new injuries, and joint pain can all stem from an old injury. 


How can I treat an old injury?

It’s always best to address an injury as soon as possible, but we all know the adage we repeatedly heard as kids, “just walk it off.” The older we get and the longer we leave injuries to fester, the more that comes back to haunt us later. There are many ways to treat old injuries that don’t involve constantly taking pain medication or going under the knife.


Some great options for treating old injuries include: 

old injury cause problems years later

Repetitive stress injuries from things such as playing competitive sports or lingering issues from an old auto accident can cause your vertebrae to compress your discs. Chiropractic adjustments and spinal decompression offer pain relief and healing by helping return spinal discs to their normal position. Physical therapy helps train the body to function correctly, while assisted stretching will address any muscle stiffness related to the injury.


Is it too late to help an old injury?

No, it is never too late to seek help for an injury. Whether your doctor decides corrective chiropractic, spinal decompression, physical therapy, or a combination of modalities is the right course of action, you can still receive care for an old injury and resulting problems. A chiropractor or physical therapist will be able to help relieve pain and discomfort, ultimately working to improve your quality of life.


Old Injury Rehabilitation in Oviedo, Florida

At ProCare Oviedo Chiropractors, we focus on healing without using drugs or surgery. Our doctors can treat new and old injuries alike. Located in Central Florida, our services include chiropractic care, physical therapy, spinal decompression, and assisted stretching. Our team would love to help you manage your pain. Contact us to discuss any old injury issues you may have, and let us create a care plan for you!