Welcome, returning readers and new visitors. This blog is a special resource to catch up on basic health information. Additionally, we aim to share plenty of information for those that have suffered from car accident injuries.

How the immune system works:

Mainly, our practice reaches out to those that seek advice and medical attention post automobile accidents. However, our doctors, of course, also treat other injuries that may require chiropractic and physical therapy methods. In this article, we found it is about time to focus on the immune system.

Without a strong immune system, a patient would not have the capability of healing correctly after a car accident. During this pandemic, the immune system is all we have to fight off the novel coronavirus, so we found it was due time to share how the immune system works. Let’s get into it!

While the world is beginning to put their health as top priority, daily decisions are gradually being evaluated. Consider how you feel after eating a tasty treat. The foods and drinks we give our bodies are mainly used for fuel.

We do not eat each and every food for pure pleasure, but during this challenging time, the food we put into our body must help the body- not set it back. If you go to reach for a candy bar, consider whether or not that bar will help your body potentially fight off COVID-19. Now, when you reach for a fresh smoothie, consider all of the nutrients that are on your side.

The nutrients we put into our body should be in our favor. If you are aiming to better your health and strengthen your immune system, pay attention to what you are eating and drinking. To make a chaotic day of work, errands, school drop-offs, and food prep simpler, use a food tracker app.

Tracking food portions:

Tracking food is a convenient way to ensure nutrition goals are met each and every day. If you lacked some nutrients such as protein or fats, the app will lay it all out there. Tweak your food intake the next day, and reap the benefits of a strong immune system.

Portion sizes also help or hurt us. After a decadent Thanksgiving meal, most Americans don’t feel up to working out or getting their to-do list items crossed off. This is because the portions sizes were over the top.

Controlling portions, ingredients, nutrients, and the times of which you eat can help aid the likelihood of fighting off viruses and bacteria. Sleeping is another major part of strengthening your immune system. Without sufficient, quality sleep, our bodies are much more likely to fall ill.

Sleep routines:

Sticking to a healthy sleep routine is sure to decrease the chances of getting sick. This also goes hand-in-hand with eating properly. When we eat right before bed time, our bodies are not in a full, deep sleep throughout the night.

The digestive system is wide awake and working hard to digest whatever you put into it. It is nearly impossible to experience a true, proper sleep cycle if you eat before bed. Come back next week as we share more ways you can become healthier and stronger during this pandemic. Make a call to our office today to schedule an appointment- especially if you are in pain.

Staff Writer