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Chiropractor-Approved Wrist Stretches for Carpal Tunnel Pain

Have you been experiencing wrist pain or feeling the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome? In the technological age we live in, many Americans spend a large portion of the day on a computer or other device. The prolonged use of the wrist can lead to hand and wrist pain or [...]

Motorcycle Accident Injuries and Chiropractic Care in Florida

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. The hope is the precautions taken will keep motorcyclists safe, but the potential for accidents is still there. If you have suffered motorcycle accident injuries, it may be time to seek chiropractic care. Why Seek Chiropractic Care After a Motorcycle Accident? Injuries sustained in [...]

Correct Sitting and Standing Posture: Why It’s Important

Does your back hurt after working at a desk all day? Do you feel strain in certain parts of your body when you stand for long periods? You may want to be more mindful of your posture. May is National Correct Your Posture Month. Maintaining good posture when sitting and [...]

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