When readers most recently stopped by for the latest health and physical rehab news, there was a new topic introduced. Preventing injuries of any kind will never go out of fashion, so we shared there are ways that people can actually prevent injuries at home while working out in quarantine. For those with an ACL injury, it gets a little more complicated, so follow along to learn what you should be doing to prevent future injuries.

ACL injury:

If you played a sport at any point of your life, you have heard of an ACL injury. If not, then you were with a very blessed group of individuals. ACL injuries are not easily overlooked.

ACL injuries are usually very excruciating and demand immediate medical attention. According to the Mayo Clinic, an ACL injury is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate, one of the major ligaments in the knee. ACL injuries are so common in sports because they are caused by rough, sudden stops, changes in direction, jumping, or landing.

The most popular sports in high schools such as soccer, basketball, and football may cause this injury. The most common sign for differentiating between this injury and others is the pop sound in the knee. Your knee may also swell and feel unstable.

Most likely, it will be unbearable to put weight on the knee or simply walk. It is also common to experience a loss of range of motion. When people try to walk immediately after an ACL injury, they may experience the feeling of giving out or giving way.

Causes of an ACL injury:

With summer break coming up, it is uncertain whether or not organized sports will be common or even allowed. However, we know that it is not unlikely that Americans will be either continuing to workout or will engage in friendly, family competition. In order to prevent an ACL injury, or any injury for that matter, there are classic precautions anyone can take.

In order to prevent an injury, you must first know what causes it. A sudden change in speed or direction, such as suddenly slowing down or turning, can cause an injury of any kind but specifically these motions may cause an ACL injury. Pivoting with your foot firmly planted can also do the trick.

In basketball especially, a pivot foot maneuver is seen easily fifty times in a game. This is how the player can take a moment to read the court and asses options. Then, only one foot can be lifted, and it cannot be changed.

You see, it can be a recipe for disaster. Stopping suddenly can also cause this painful injury. Again, this is does almost the entire time of any sport. For someone picking up a game of basketball or flag football after not working out for years, it could end in a disastrous scenario.

Stay tuned for next time:

Lastly, receiving a direct blow to the knee or in a collision, as seen in a football tackle or car accident, can dramatically change the future of an ACL. Trouble in weight bearing, a pop sound, swelling in the knee, and severe pain are all the most common symptoms of an ACL injury. Unfortunately, an ACL injury is not just an easy fix.

Once an ACL is injured, it must be very carefully tended to for the patients entire life. Next week, we are sharing what should happen should you experienced any of the listed symptoms.  Give us a call if you are involved in a car accident or suffer from a sports injury.

Staff Writer