Chiropractor Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Can a chiropractor help with carpal tunnel syndrome? Great question!

And, the answer is, YES! Do you have wrist pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome? Are you wanting relief without having to resort to drugs or surgery? This post will take a closer look at how a chiropractor can help treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Chiropractor Carpal Tunnel SyndromeThe carpal tunnel is a passageway going from your wrist to your hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to pressure on the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel. The median nerve starts in the fingertips, going through the arm, all the way to the shoulders and neck. Pressure anywhere along this nerve can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the wrist and hand, which we have come to know as carpal tunnel syndrome.


How can a chiropractor treat carpal tunnel syndrome?

The median nerve runs the entire arm’s length, from the neck and shoulders down through the fingers. When any of the bones along the median nerve change position or your neck is not in proper alignment, it will compress the nerve. By making minor manipulations and adjustments, a chiropractor will be able to reduce the nerve pressure that is causing carpal tunnel issues and wrist pain.

Chiropractor Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


After an initial examination, your chiropractor will be able to pinpoint the areas that need addressing. This could look like realigning the neck or adjusting the wrist area. A chiropractor may also recommend wrist stretches that you can do at home to help with pain or the effects of carpal tunnel syndrome.


If you have been dealing with irritating sensations, wrist pain, or numbness in your hand, it may be time to consider a call to your local chiropractic office. Surgery is a lengthy, painful recovery. Chiropractic care offers an alternative solution with great results and no downtime.


Wrist Pain Relief in Oviedo, Fl

ProCare Oviedo Chiropractors is located in the Metro Orlando area. Our Oviedo chiropractors may be able to help you eliminate the need for carpal tunnel surgery. Contact our office to see how we can help you with wrist pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other related issues.