Injuries can leave lasting effects even when treated correctly. However, at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers, the chances of lasting effects are reduced. Due to long-term treatment plans, patients have the tools and knowledge to reduce their chance of having osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis.

Last effects of car accident injuries:

Did you know there are different forms of arthritis. Today, we will be starting off by discussing osteoarthritis because it is the most common form. Osteoarthritis affects millions worldwide.

Although this health issue can damage any joint, this specific disorder can most often affects joints in the knees, hips, and spine. Damage to joints cannot be reversed, but symptoms can usually be managed. As with most disorders, staying active, maintain a healthy weight, and physical therapy may slow down the progression of the disease.

With the proper lifestyle and healthcare regimen, pain may reduce while and improving joint function. Osteoarthritis may develop slowly over time. For this reason, people may not notice its significance.

Osteoarthritis symptoms:

During or after movement, the joint may hurt. This is common, but it is best to regularly stay active throughout the day. Staying sedentary for too long will may the movement for painful.

After being inactive for too long during the day, joint stiffness will most likely occur. Joint stiffness is especially expected upon awakening in the morning or after naps. We will talk about what you can do to reduce pain and stiffness later.

The area around the joint may be tender to the touch. Even with light pressure, the joint may be tender. This is normal.

It is also common for patients to not have a normal range of motion. Flexibility can be focused on during physical therapy appointments. Over time, this may improve with the help of ProCare.

This is a strange one: the grating sensation. Patients report they feel a grating sensation when the joint is being used. Popping and cracking is not out of the norm as well.

Bone spurs may form. These are just extra bits of bone which may feel like hard lumps. So if you feel a bump, do no let your mind wander to horrible places.

It is common for bone spurs to form around the affected joint. Soft tissue inflammation around the joint can cause a few symptoms. For one, swelling may occur.

Causes of the disorder:

There are a number of causes of osteoarthritis. Of course, we tend to car accident patients, and accidents commonly cause osteoarthritis. This disorder actually occurs when the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones in your joints gradually deteriorates.

Cartilage is necessary for painless motion. It is firm and enables basically frictionless joint motion. When the cartilage wears down completely, the bones will rub on each other. Doesn’t that sound painful?

Osteoarthritis is often referred to as an elderly issue or a “wear and tear” health issue. Although the cartilage breaks down, it really effects the entire joint. The lack or absence of cartilage changes the bone and causes deterioration of the connecting tissues that hold the joint together and attach muscle to bone. In turn, there is inflammation.

Next time, we will discuss your options for treating osteoarthritis. Come back to find out pain relieving options. Stay safe and we will see you soon for a less painful future!

Staff Writer