Welcome back to ProCare Health & Rehab Center’s blog. Today, we are going to go to share solutions for treating tailbone pain. To wrap up this informative tailbone pain series, read further to reveal a variety of pain relief methods you can find in Oviedo’s ProCare location.

Let’s get started:

First off, if you did not read our last blog, do yourself a favor and read that. Now that your caught up, let’s discuss the ways to relive your pain. First, we mentioned that you can work on your posture and adjust the way you sit to relieve your lower back and tailbone of pain, but if that is not working, try out the donut pillow.

The pillow does not provide enough relief for everyone, so it may be time to visit your rehabilitation center, ProCare in Oviedo, Florida. Once you have figured this much out, it is time to call and make an appointment.

Upon visiting your local physical therapist and chiropractor located at ProCare’s center, you will be examined by the medical professionals themselves. Usually, they will ask if you have endured any trauma recently such as a car accident. When the answer is no, the next question usually involves an inquiry into your everyday activity.

What does that look like? You may or may not be an active person. Your job may be very physical and laborious such as construction or childcare involving bending down. In other cases, you may have just recently slipped and fell but completely forgot about it. This discussion assists our doctors when determining the cause of pain which is directly related to the treatment plan.

Natural pain relief:

An adjustment may be in order. Alternatively, a patient may need a manipulation. Sometimes, that involves gong through the rectum.

This involves massaging the muscles attached to the tailbone to ease the pain. Chronic tailbone pain may also require physical therapy offered here at our office. Speak to our facility to make an appointment and discover relief.

Physical therapy in Oviedo:

Physical therapy in Oviedo may provide methods of relaxing your pelvic floor you had no idea would relieve pain. This is not just a relaxing state, we truly mean a completely relaxed level. In this case, you would be relaxing your pelvic floor as much as you would while urinating or defecting.

Physical therapists may show patients ways to strengthen and lengthen ligaments in the back to which the tailbone can bear much less weight and pressure.

After trying more natural approaches, severe pain may require medication. When ibuprofen and tylenol do not cover the amount of pain you have, a local anesthetic can be put into the tailbone. Steroids reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling, so it is no surprise this may be a route to a pain-free state.

Also, certain antidepressants and anti-epileptic medications can relieve coccyx pain. Call ProCare Health & Rehab Center in Oviedo today to make an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Cheers to a healthy, pain-free New Year!

Staff Writer