In our last article, we did not reveal anything groundbreaking. There are just simple, mundane actions we do in our cars every day that seem incredibly harmless. However, as we reviewed, even adjusting the AC can pose grave danger. Today, we are sharing more ways drivers in Oviedo can avoid distracted driving.

Prevent distracted driving:

Distracted driving took away three thousand one hundred sixty-six lives in 2017 alone according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Just think about how many lives that is. Sure, you may think to yourself, “I am a safe driver, especially with my children in the car.”

However, most drivers look down for more than three seconds every time they drive. This is more than enough time to get into a great deal of trouble and pain. Join the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA, by preventing this dangerous behavior.

Understanding distracted driving to avoid distracted driving:

To avoid this dangerous behavior, you must first be well informed on what this behavior exactly entails. Distracted driving can be any activity that diverts attention from driving. This type of activity may be taking to passengers, texting on your phone, typing in a song on an app, eating or drinking a meal between errands, and fiddling with the radio.

Although these may all seem like obvious causes of distracted driving, most people partake in all of the above. Many siblings eat their breakfast on the way to school while driving their younger siblings. Even adults put on makeup while looking in the mirror.

Some men have been spotted shaving their face with an electric razor on highways. All of which is perfectly safe to do at home, but it is nowhere near safe to do so while driving. Remember, what actions you make, they will affect you and others around you.

Make tomorrow a new day and consider each second you take your eyes off the road. Using a GPS to find a highly recommended restaurant is encouraged. As long as you are using verbal guidance and keeping eyes on the road and cars surrounding you, you should be safe.

Avoid distracted driving in Oviedo:

If you find yourself scrambling for change to pay a toll at an approaching tollbooth, do not be embarrassed to take the time to search for this money. Take a few extra seconds, or even minutes, to find the toll money. Law enforcement would much rather this be the case than pulling you over for distracted driving.

Technology that keeps both hands on the wheel:

Also, most smart phones and recent year cars have voice recognition. Basically, if you need to change the destination in your GPS and are not near an exit on the highway, command your phone to change the address before picking it up. Drivers can even ask their phones to read aloud the text messages recently received.

Yes, you have heard right. Make a quick search, and you will discover many ways to safely begin a call or retrieve information on your phone, calendar, and email without ever taking a finger off of the steering wheel. This is most often refereed to as “speech-to-text or speak to text”.

Many 2019 car models support Car Play. This is just one example of a safer way to communicate to another person that is not in the vehicle. Simple use your thumb to press the voice-command button on your steering wheel to activate. Then, say what you need.

This can control music, texts, and making phone calls. We hope this series is providing you with safer ways to navigate these Oviedo, Florida roads. Of course, we strongly advise you to do your own research and never partake in any activities that resort in distracted driving.

It all can truly wait. Come back next time for more technology that keeps both hands on the wheel. Unfortunately, many drivers get into accidents at some point in their lives. Make an appointment as soon as possible after a car accident in Central Florida for outstanding physical therapy and chiropractic adjustments tailored to each car accident victim.

Staff Writer