As we discussed last time, physical therapy has been aiding people along their physical healing journeys for quite some time. The past paved the way for the practices Oviedo physical therapists and others alike. At ProCare Health & Rehab Centers, our physical therapists and chiropractors offer modern medical attention for those suffering from car accident injuries and more.

History of physical therapy continued:

Looking back at past articles, we learned that our history and involvement in both world wars majorly impacted the world of medicine. During the wars, the word of physical therapy spread as well as its reputability.

The new practices which greatly helped in the healing of wounded soldiers were used thereafter as well. Once WWII ended, the new practices of physical therapy was respected much more than before the war. People began to first-handedly see the lasting effects with minimal office time.

The same goes for physical therapy today. Now, the United States do have some veterans needing physical therapy for war and on-duty injuries. But the Unites States has a much larger group of individuals requiring physical therapy, car accident victims.

Car accident victims treated by Oviedo physical therapists:

The Association for Safe International Road Travel reports there are around twenty to fifty million people injured a year due to road crashes each year. It is report that 1.25 million people die in road crashes a year. So, as you can see, the severity is not downplayed.

Many Americans involved in car accidents are injured and require ongoing medical attention long after an initial ER visit. This sort of attention may include physical therapy. The great thing about physical therapy is its diversity.

Physical therapy can treat a whole plethora of injuries. It is no surprise to someone that has been treated by physical therapy before. But to someone new to this side of medicine, it can be mind-blowing.

Make an appointment today to get examined by our team of professionals. Just about any injury from your head to your toes can be examined by physical therapists. If found injuries are not treatable by our medical professionals, we would be sure to refer those patients to the proper specialists.

It is important for car accident victims to be treated by not just one type of medical professional. For instance, if you have recently been involved in a car crash, you cannot go straight to the emergency room and expect for that to be the end of the healing journey. Most often, the ER can be somewhat of a waste of money.

Now, this is not always the case, but we have seen where the time and money spent in an emergency room can delay proper treatment while spending all of the patient’s allotted injury money far too quickly.

How to utilize your insurance money after a car accident:

Many scans done in the emergency room can be done in outpatient facilities. In other words, a patient can be examined the same way without paying exorbitant markups. Altogether, the money given provided to the patient that is intended for the patients care, can spread much farther if used wisely. ProCare Health & Rehab Centers in Oviedo, Florida take this into consideration.

Additionally, if a patient has potentially broken bone, many emergency clinics may not be of assistance. Often times, a patient may diagnosed with a fracture, but the emergency clinic cannot treat the fracture. Basically, the visit to the emergency clinic was presumed a wasted trip, time, and money.

Furthermore, say the patient was in a car accident at six am on the way to work. He goes to the emergency room because that is what he has always been told to do after a car accident. He get’s to the emergency room and is diagnosed with a pulled back muscle and a sprained wrist.

He then returns to work with a note stating he needs to let his wrist heal. The patient now has a huge medical bill and no leftover money in his policy for ongoing attention.

Both injuries could have been treated at a smaller clinic that does not overcharge. Now, he cannot afford to see a physical therapist to ensure his wrist and back will heal correctly. This is the harm of going directly to a physician heavily informed of car accident injuries.

Take a breath and consider seeing doctors that are well trained in the healing of car accident injuries. This may save you a great deal of money while allowing you to receive extensive treatments as opposed to the lousy six hours in an overcrowded emergency room.

We hope we can help those that do not need major medical attention for a large open wound or amputation. Our offices are here to assist patient’s in receiving the most for what money they receive, value. Thank you for stopping by, and make an appointment if you or anyone you know has suffered from car accident injures. Come by next time for more!

Staff Writer