Car accident victims must start a journey of healing with physical therapy and chiropractic methods at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers in order to regain normal movement. Similarly, to get to where we are today, Americans had plenty of evolving for treating car accident injuries.

Physical therapy for car accident injuries in Orlando:

Many years ago, doctors only treated surface level injuries post car accident. Now, we have learned, there are many injuries under the surface of the skin. Doctors at our offices look beneath the surface wounds.

Our chiropractor and physical therapy works wonders for patients looking to regain strength and range of motion. Call our Oviedo office immediately after a car accident as you can miss out on a sum of money your insurance has to offer for you healing process. If you do not do this within forty-eight hours of the incident, you can miss out on this useful money.

To choose a doctor to entrust with healing your car accident injuries, you should study the history of your doctor. Study the methods of their healing. Then, you will feel confident moving forward with your health care provider.

The methods a doctor uses to treat you are ultimately going to make or break you. This is why we studied the origins of physical therapy. In today’s blog, we will further explore the history of physical therapy that led us to where we are today.

How we got here:

Last time, we discussed the very beginning of physical therapy. Of course, there are many forms of “physical therapy” in every country. Each culture has their own origins of methods chosen to treat injuries.

Once cars and motorcycles were introduced to the public, injures evolved more than humans could have predicted. Speed, force, and the timeline of healing changed drastically. So, medical professionals were forced to evolve in order to keep up with the severity of the new injuries.

This is very similar to how World War I soldiers’ bodies were altered dramatically. Thank you to all veterans and active duty members. WWI soldiers were killed while some were barely hanging onto life. There were very many that lost limbs and mental capacities.

In turn, doctors began to look to the physical therapy community for healing our honorable veterans. Doctors understood that even after a surgery “fixed” an injury, the healing had just begun. The road of recovery after a surgery was just step one with step two being a long-term treatment plan.

Many countries entered World War II. From there on, many soldiers sustained injures and continued to get treated with physical therapy methods. World War II was at its peak in the 1940s.

Soldiers around the world required the ongoing attention of PTs. This medical attention form of healing just continuously proved its worth. The war created a plethora of emotionally and physically devastating injured soldiers.

Some injuries included amputations, burns, cold injuries, wounds, fractures, nerve and spinal cord injuries. Amputations such as leg amputations created many more issues for soldiers. Once a leg is no longer there, either a wheelchair, cane, or some other form of walking assistance was needed for an extended period of time until the soldier began to adapt to a new way of walking.

In the meantime of learning how to walk differently, back issues could develop. This is just one example of how complicated war injuries are and how they can affect more than just the area affected during war. This is a great analogy for car accident injuries.

Once either one or two legs are lost in a car accident, the entire body is affected. The spine, tailbone, and neck are severely affected by sitting in a wheelchair or leaning on a cane. Physical therapy helps healing while working towards regaining a range of motion. Likewise, chiropractic methods offered to auto accident victims help to align the spine and treat pinched nerves and many more affected, fragile areas of the body.

Visit our chiropractor and physical therapist in Orlando for all injures:

Now, you may or may not have war or car injuries, but ProCare Health & Rehab Centers treat patients with all background stories. Injuries of many sorts can be treated with physical therapy and chiropractic methods. Make an appointment with our incredible doctors today to see what they can do for your future health and physical freedom!

Thank you for stopping by, and we hope we shared some insight into how we go to where we are today in the field of medical healing. Come by next time for more!

Staff Writer