There are many professionals offering therapy to help those seeking medical therapies for car accident injuries. Looking up advice and locations online can become dangerous and rather confusing. Today, we will clarify what attention you require and how ProCare Health & Rehab Centers in Oviedo, Florida can be impactful on your healing journey.

Clearing things up:

doctorWhile searching online, physiotherapy, physical therapy, and Physiatry are just a few terms. Whether you decide on going to an office that offers any of these, ensure that the therapists provide hands-on manual therapy techniques.

Any therapist you are considering visiting should also offer rehabilitation exercises. The exercises should be common to most physical therapy clinics in the United States. Each patient has their own healing process and treatment plan.

Speak to ProCare Health & Rehab Centers’ physicians. See what we have to offer you and your inquires. We have a team eager to treat all injuries, especially car accident injuries.

doctorPM&R Physicians, or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians, are referred to as physiatrists. These physicians treat a wide variety of conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, bones, nerves, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

PM&R physicians are medical doctors that have completed training in the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

They are often times subspecialty certified in:

  • Brain Injury Medicine
  • Hospice
  • Palliative Medicine
  • Neuromuscular Medicine
  • Pain Medicine
  • Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
  • Sports Medicine

doctorMore specifically, PM&R physicians treat patients of all ages and focus treatment on function. These physicians have a broad expertise that allows them to treat disabling conditions throughout a patient’s lifetime.

PM&R physicians diagnose and treat pain as a result of injury, illness, or disabling condition. Then, they determine and lead a treatment/prevention plan. Physiatrists lead a team of medical professionals.

A physiatrist’s team may include physicals therapists, occupational therapists, and physician extenders to further optimize patients’ care. To pinpoint and focus on specific injuries, physiatrists work with other physicians such as neurologists, primary care physicians, orthopedic surgeons, and many more.

doctorAll in all, physiatrists treat a whole person and not just a problem area. However, physiatrists do not perform the therapies themselves. Physiatrists make and manage medical diagnoses and later prescribe the therapies which physical therapists subsequently perform.

How is a physical therapist different from a physiotherapy?:

Physiotherapy is the treatment of disease, injury, and disorders through physical methods. Some examples of these physical methods include exercise, massage, manipulation, and other treatments. For physiotherapy, these methods are chosen over medication and surgery.

Physiotherapists are often perceived as mainly sports-related injuries. This is not true though. They are highly trained medical professionals treatments for problems arising from disease, injury, aging, or illness. Until the last five years or so, outside of the United States, treatment of musculoskeletal conditions provided by physiotherapists involved much more hands-on manual therapy compared to those performed in the United States.

Presently, manual therapy training and its commonality has skyrocketed in the United States. Many more physical therapists are becoming certified and highly manual therapy specialists. Collectively, we have noticed many Americans would use the term physical therapy to describe what people out of the United States would commonly call physiotherapy.

It seems that the two terms are unfortunately thought to be synonymous. If you cannot be treated by our physicians at the Oviedo office, be selective in your search. Looking online can become very confusing due to many terms that sound similar.

Physical therapy at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers:

Here at ProCare Health & Rehab Centers, we have a team of outstanding physicians. Our neurologist and chiropractor can prepare you for a healthier future and, hopefully, painless life. Be careful of booking with the wrong sort of professional.

Our physical therapists and chiropractors are equipped to give you sufficient care. If we cannot treat every malady detected, we will be sure to point you in the right direction.

Thank you for stopping by to further understand these similar terms. We hope this clears things up and points you through our doors. Please call to make an appointment today at our Oviedo office.

We strongly focus on helping those suffering from car accident injuries as well as other sorts. Give us a call and take a look at what we treat. Stop by next time for more informative physical therapy news.

Staff Writer