Implementing road safety is a shared responsibility. However, not everyone lives up to their role of being a safe driver. In turn, there are millions of people which suffer from injuries and disabilities related to road crashes which ProCare Health & Rehab Centers successfully treat.

Car crash facts:

road crashAbout twenty to fifty million people are injured or disabled due to road crashes each year. Road traffic crashes rank as the ninth leading cause of death globally. As for parents, it is important to stress the direness of road safety as nearly 400,000 people under twenty-five years old die on roads annually.

As for those that are fortunate enough to survive road crashes, life is a blessing but can be much harder than ever before. Wounds from accidents vary from minor scratches to spinal cord injuries. In United States car accidents alone, there are about 2.35 million people left injured or disabled.

ProCare Health & Rehab Centers focus on long-term quality of life. It is important to seek proper medical attention and rehabilitation post car crash for optimal healing. ProCare physicians advise people that are not in need of immediate emergency attention to seek ProCare’s attention.

Once people have the chance to gather their thoughts, they may realize they can actually make a personalized treatment plan with ProCare’s physicians. There may need to be testing done such as MRI or CT scans. If any testing is necessary for our physicians to diagnose and treat patients, we will surely inform the patient.

Attention to every detail:

Each and every emotional and physical injury should be addressed. Putting off treatment for one injury may increase the severity of the original injury. Avoidance may even cause your body to develop pain in new areas. Avoidance furthers pain and injury as well.

Counseling and treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder is recommended by our physicians and most doctors. Speak to our Oviedo office physicians to help you find proper treatment for this disorder. You may need medical attention elsewhere in addition to physical rehabilitation at our office.

Initial consultation:

The initial consultation usually begins with introductions. The physician will need to know the background behind what caused the injury. Car accidents are complex and each injury is related to the direction and force in which the trauma occurred.

After the physician is familiar with the car accident details, he or she may begin to examine the patient immediately. Further testing may be ordered throughout the duration of a patient’s treatment plan. The most pressing matters are addressed first.

A patient’s head and neck is usually the first area of complaint. If you have read blogs in the past, you will know of whiplash. Whiplash affects the neck, head, and back.

road crashesSymptoms of whiplash include headaches, stiffness, and neck pain. Doctors report that whiplash pain can last as little as a week or so up to months. This is considered chronic.

Physicians examine the range of motion in a patient’s neck and shoulders. The physician will note the degree of motion that causes pain or increase of pain. Tenderness in the neck, shoulder, or back is documented for future reference.

Lastly, the reflexes, strength, and sensation in the limbs are examined. A concussion is a common issue after a car crash. Concussions happen when the brain bounces around inside the skull.

This happens when the head takes a blow. A dashboard, window, or other person in the car can create such an impact. If our physicians diagnose a patient with a concussion, they will most likely be told to rest and follow up.

Back and spinal cord injuries will most likely be addressed before coming to our offices, but if they have not been diagnosed thus far, our physicians will treat and refer patients accordingly. However, minor back pain is addressed differently, of course.

For minor back pain, heating pads and other physical rehabilitation may be in order. Soft tissue injuries, as mentioned in previous blogs, may require months of physical rehab. Same goes for spinal injuries.

Road crash healing process:

These injuries may take a minimum of three months to even begin the healing process. Through physical rehabilitation, road crash injuries may heal properly. Progress is tediously tracked. Please inquire with our office for your best future.

Call our Oviedo office today! Come back next time for more.

Staff Writer