We usually discuss what to do if you experience injuries. This week, we would like to dive into the ways to prevent car accidents. We are going to share the most common types of distracted driving activities.

Distracted driving:

A car accident is sadly a possibility for distracted drivers. In 2017 alone, distracted driving claimed 3,166 lives. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention away from driving.

This does not only include texting, talking on the phone, using a navigation system, or reaching for your fallen lip balm. It also includes seemingly harmless activity such as talking to passengers, drinking water, or changing the radio station.

Most dangerous activities while driving:

distracted driving They report texting is the most alarming distraction. Let’s talk about an example of how threatening texting is to you and others around you. Five seconds does not seem long enough to put your life in grave danger.

However, NHTSA shares that while a car travels at fifty-five miles per hour, if the driver looks down for five seconds, it is more than enough time for a car accident. This is equivalent to passing the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed. Imagine the risk.

How to avoid car accidents:

It is impossible to drive without the risk of an accident. But to reduce your risk of accidents, do not partake in any non-driving activity was driving. Keep conversation to a minimum and only discuss the roads or directions.

distracted driving Avoid looking at nearby landmarks or billboards unless you are parked and out of the car. Focusing solely on driving is the only way to greatly reduce the likelihood of crashing. Of course, there is the chance that someone else may cause an accident.

Staying alert and looking out for accidents includes avoiding distractions of your own. First thing you can do to prevent accidents caused by others is to avoid distracted driving on your end. For teenagers, they take advice to heart most often when it comes from their peers.

It is highly encouraged to speak up when you see a friend, stranger, or loved one driving while distracted. Note that it distracted also means emotional distractions. If you or someone is driving while angry, crying, or upset in general, recommend a quick stop to pull it together.

The NHTSA has a pledge which teens can sign to never drive distracted. US communities have  Students Against Destructive Decisions chapters is most areas.

Adults lead by example:

Before talking to their teens and young children about driving safely, they must play the part. Parents must lead by example by never driving distracted. By parents leading by example, the message is most authentic and influential.

distracted driving Remind your teens that distracted driving can cause them to receive license suspension, tickets, accidents, or cause death. Have everyone in your household sign a pledge to commit to distraction-free driving. For states with graduated driver licensing, or GDL for short, a violation of distracted-driving laws could delay or even suspend their existing license.

Educators and employers can influence others to drive distraction-free as well. Anyone with leadership can really. Educators can discuss the topic and ways to avoid distractions.

Companies have begun to implement company policies which prohibit distracted driving. As an employer, do not expect employees to speak over the phone, read, write, or text while driving.

If you do not have a platform at work, home, or anywhere, make your voice heard. Join groups in the community to spread the word about distracted driving. Support local laws enforcing this, speak out at community meetings, and share information via social media.

If you have suffered injuries from a car accident, visit ProCare Health & Rehab Centers in Oviedo, Florida for physical rehabilitation. Join our community of people against distracted driving. We want to keep everyone safe as well as healed.

Contact us if you have any injuries that need attention. We strive to heal patients to their original range of motion or even better. Please be safe while driving and avoid distractions such as texting, eating, doing makeup, messing with hair, fiddling with the stereo, or touching the navigation system.

Make an appointment today with our Oviedo location. We want patients to regain and ideal or original range of motion. You may even be in better shape than before your car accident. Come back next week for more news and valuable information!

Staff Writer